I just got back from Chaos In Tejas. It was insane. I actually couldn't handle 4 days of shows, but I tried. I actually passed out during Origin Of M at the Broken Neck on the first night, woke up in time for Tragedy, I'm so punk! So many sick bands, and crucial bro's (bro'ets), good times had by all.
So today is my birthday, I have some shows coming up. Not really for my birthday, but they got billed that way. I'm 33. My body hurts from the weekend in Texas. So why not go to some more shows.

The festivities start, on Thursday with a killer Hardcore Show.
0MEGAS who were killer in Austin, will be making the trip home by way of Brooklyn,
BURNING LOVE from Toronto will also be on the way home from Chaos in Tejas, glad to have my old buddy Chris C's band on the gig.
DRY SPELL just put out a new record on
NO WAY RECORDS, they were one of my favorite new hardcore bands from last year so make sure you check them out. They will have fellow RVA pal's MAD WORLD along with them. And what would Dan Skibra's Brooklyn home coming be with out Mike Kaboom's new band:
DBCR on the show.
0MEGAS - One of my favorite Hardcore bands!
BURNING LOVE - JUST ADDED! Hardcore from Toronto, Members of Cursed, Swarm, Ruination, Etc.
DRY SPELL - Hardcore Punk from RVA
MAD WORLD - Also from Virgina
DBCR - Brooklyn
Thursday June 9th - 8pm - All Ages
@ Acheron
57 Waterbury St
Brooklyn, NY
http://theacheronbk.blogspot.com/Feel free to relax at the Bar Next Store as well.
Anchored Inn
Then on Saturday, a few bands needed some shows, so i decided to have a double header.
RZL DZL and some of their Detroit Hardcore Brothers needed a gig, as well
KIELTOLAKI on the same day. I could of combined the shows but i figured i would just do 2. The
RZL DZL show starts at 5pm and then the
KIELTOLAKI show starts 9pm.
Both shows are only 3 bands.
RZL DZL are the ultimate party band, they never play out much so make sure you check them out,
FACE REALITY are pretty sick from what I hear. Haroun from
RZL DZL also sings in
KIELTOLAKI from Finland feature x-members of Selfish, they were great in Texas so if you missed them make sure you see them on Saturday. The new BRAIN KILLER lp is out, and is great. Pick it up if you haven't yet. This will be their last time in Brooklyn for a while. Brooklyn's own Noise assault squad, NOMAD, will be rounding out this gig. I can't say enough good things about this band. They have a a killer 7" on
Katorga Works Records, not sure if it is still in print.
See you saturday...
RZL DZL - From Detroit, Party Time!!!
FACE REALITY - From Detroit on Youngblood Records
BUILD AND DESTROY - Members of RZL DZL from Detroit
Saturday, June 11th - 5pm - All Ages
@ Acheron
57 Waterbury St
Brooklyn, NY
http://theacheronbk.blogspot.com/And then later...
KIELTOLAKI - Hardcore Punk from Finland, X-Selfish
NOMAD - NYC punk.
Saturday, June 11th - 9pm - All Ages
@ Acheron
57 Waterbury St
Brooklyn, NY